Floating Action Button is the circular button that floats above the UI and is “used for a promoted action”. It acts as call to action button, meant to represent the single action users perform the most on that particular screen.

The floating action button animates onto the screen as an expanding piece of material, by default. The icon within it may be animated.

Floating Action Button (FAB)

Include FAB Button to the code by adding .pmd-btn-fab.

Raised Floating Action Button

Include Raised Floating Action Button to the code by adding .pmd-btn-fab .pmd-btn-raised.

Flat Floating Action Button

Include Flat FAB Button to the code by adding .pmd-btn-fab .pmd-btn-flat.

Floating Action Button with Menu

The floating action button can transform into sheets of material that are part of the app structure. This dramatic transformation accentuates the action the button enables.