Use, by you or one client, in a single end product which end users are not charged for. The total price includes the item price and a buyer fee.
Theme Type:
HTML Theme
Release Date:
10th June 2019
admin dashboard
admin panel
admin template
admin theme
bootstrap 4
bootstrap admin template
health care
html admin template
material design
modern dashboard design
premium admin templates
responsive admin
Technologies Used:
About e-Health Care Admin Theme
A multipurpose and easy to customizeadmin theme consisting of all the important templates required to develop a complete backend solution for Clinics, Hospitals, Dentists and more such applications related to health care.
The admin template is built using Propeller Pro (a framework based on Bootstrap 4 and Google Material Design Standards).
It is fully responsive and uses SASS for theming. You don’t have to search and replace colors in individual CSS files, it can now be done just by updating some variables in a single SCSS file.
The theme follows the mobile-first approach and is lightweight, very easy to customize and developer friendly. It is integrated with multiple popular third-party plugins like Chart JS, Datatables, Bootstrap Date-time picker, and Full calendar JS.
Core Features
Based onBootstrap 4
The theme is based on the most powerful and popular Bootstrap 4 framework which is responsive and makes the layout mobile-friendly.
Material DesignStandards
The theme follows Material Design standards, a visual language created by Google that synthesizes the classic principles of good design
All styles are written with SCSS for easy customization
100% responsive layout; It displays well in any size of devices.
All themes are coded keeping the best practices in mind, to ensure better rankings across all search engines.
Propeller Themes follow all the standard coding practices that every developer will be able to pick up easily.
All themes come with built-in Theme and Color Option Panels which will help you easily customize every aspect without a hassle.
We take customer support very seriously and are always ready to help you with your concerns.
Well structured, organized and easily understandable documentation which will help you make the most out of the theme
and even more...
Elegant and Clean User Interface
Google Fonts Integration
Dashboard with Charts Widgets
Line Chart and Donut Chart Integration using Chart JS
FullCalendar JS Integration
Data tables Integration
Bootstrap 4 date-time picker Integration
Additional templates
Typography and Iconography guidelines explained
Powerful and Lightweight
W3C Validated HTML5 and CSS3
Page Templates
The theme comes with a diverse dashboard with may additional pages template like Notification, Mailbox, 404 error, FAQ, Login, etc.